NCLF lod guldet regne

Under årets udgave af Nordic Contact Lens Forum i Stockholm blev optikere og optikerassistenter fra Danmark, Norge, Sverige og Finland hædret med fornemme priser. Her kan du møde de danske vinderne i de fire kategorier – og se juryens begrundelse for valget.

AF LONE HELLESKOV FOTO: nclf and nordicopticalawards

BEST STORE MULTIPLE PRACTICE 2019 – Louis Nielsen, Grenaa

Juryens begrundelse: “This store shows great team spirit, they are hardworking and engaged in the local community, they offer multiple benefits for students, and they are highly on social media together with a great retail concept, this store has it all.”

BEST SALES PERSON 2019 – Susan Kjeldberg, Kontaktlinse Instituttet, Aarhus

Juryens begrundelse: “This person is a solid performer always happy and offers service with a smile. Combining that with a hunger for knowledge and high clinical expertise the success for each and every customer is a given.”

BEST OPTICIAN 2019 – Anja Karlsen (optiker David Jensen modtog prisen på hendes vegne), Kaj Jensen Optik, Hirtshals

Juryens begrundelse: “This person is highly motivated and dedicated. With a great passion for children and myopia management the nominee leaves no stone unturned.”

BEST STORE INDEPENDENT 2019 – Kontaktlinse Instituttet, Aarhus

Juryens begrundelse: “By their unique competences they have created an extraordinary positioning in the market. A place in the market where customers are seeking for that extra-beyond a low price. Have a look at this special facade and storefront, it is rapidly changing as we speak.”



Per Michael Larsen

St. Kongensgade 110 E, 2 – 1264 København K

Tlf. 45 86 15 33 |


Redaktør af OPTIKEREN

Lone Helleskov | tlf. 88 44 06 17 |


Jette Sterndorff-Jessen

Stibo Complete

Tlf. 76 10 11 47 |


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01.10.24 Bestillingsfrist annoncer 09.09.24